Thursday, October 7, 2010

My new pana

As I have earlier posted here, our old hand phone and digital camera were due for replacement. We have finally purchased the HTC Wild Fire from Maxis at a discounted price by signing up a a data plan with them. We have no choice as the phone is out of stock everywhere! Wondering is it really that popular or the manufacturer failed to distribute enough stock to the market. :( So far, I am not very familiar with the various function of the phone yet. But the touch screen phone is very sensitive and when I was talking over the phone, my ear touched the screen and activated various functions. Sometimes it cause my conversation hang up. Anyway, yet to explore more about the Android phone.

During the PC Fair held in August in Ipoh, I bought a new Panasonic Lumix 3 camera. I was eyeing on DSLR camera (or DSLR quality camera) earlier, but gave up as I really don't know how to use a DSLR camera. It takes time to learn how to play with a DSLR camera and neither me and my hubby has that luxury time to do that. So, after reading some reviews, we finally decided to purchase this Panasonic Lumix 3. So far, we are satisfied with its quality. Below are some of the picture taken with our new camera.

The macro view is fantastic and the colour is sharp. The limitation is its telescope view (zooming). We already knew it via the review but decided to go for it due to its other functions. According to the salesman, its lens could be changed to capture higher zooming photo but we have yet to find out more.

Exam again

My eldest girl is having her final term exam starting this week. She just had her 3rd assessment exam in July. When my friend called for short gathering and heard that I am busy as the girl is having exam, her response is ...huh, exam again? Yeah...the year end school holiday will start only on 20th November but now my girl is already having the final term exam. So, she does not has to study for the remaining weeks after the exam? Wondering what will they do in school (and at home) for the 5 weeks after exam until the school holiday.

When I am busy doing revision with my eldest girl, I do not want any interruption from the other 2 girls and my hubby will try to entertain their needs most of the time. Both of them do not like the feeling of me being full time to jie jie only as I have no time to read or play with them when jie jie is around. My 6yo girl has been waiting for a chance to study together with mama. She was so excited when she received a memo informing that she will be having her final term exam too in end October! When she got the memo yesterday, she quickly showed to me and wanted to start the revision with me immediately. O_o

I hope her excitement to study will remain the same when she is in Primary 1 next year!
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers